Consulenza Brevetti

Cioncoloni S.r.l.


Our Services

Discover the services offered by the Cioncoloni Patent Consulting Firm in Rome and Ancona:
trademark registration, patent filing, model and design filing copyright and appellation of origin protection.

A trademark is a symbol, word or form that suitably identifies goods or services “provided by the company and for which it has been registered". It is a distinctive mark that must enable the public to distinguish the goods or services of one business from those of another business. It is thus necessary to protect the trademarks that identify the goods or services of a company so that they can be distinguished from the goods offered by a rival company or possible counterfeits. The registration of an Italian trademark can be in one or more classes (see Nice Classification) within the national boundaries, and the protection of a filed trademark lasts 10 years from the date of filing and is renewable. The existence on the market of any confusable trademark whatsoever is not enough to establish non-novelty; the existing trademark must be a well-known trademark. A trademark lapses if it is not used within 5 years of its date of registration or, in any event, if it is not used for 5 consecutive years. If the trademark has been filed in more than one class, its non-use for 5 consecutive years in one or more classes will result in its lapse in the classes in which it has not been used for 5 years. Also, it will lapse if it becomes "capable of deceiving the public" or if it is against the law, public order or public morality. A trademark which has lapsed for non-use can be re-filed. Note that the protection of an Italian trademark is valid as from the date of filing. The term “secondary meaning” refers to a commonly used or simply descriptive expression which is thus not protected by a trademark as it has no original meaning. Over time, however, this word takes on a secondary meaning, making it original and individualising. The trademark consultancy that we offer, therefore, can range from a technical-legal assessment to the evaluation of your trademark.

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European Union Trademark
The registration of a European Union Trademark gives unified protection in all European Union member states by means of a unique filing procedure followed by a unique registration procedure, , which is done at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). The filing of a European Union Trademark can also be in more than one class of goods and/or services (see Nice Classification) and this too lasts 10 years as from the date of filing and is renewable but no longer valid if unused for 5 consecutive years. Furthermore, it can be invalidated if it has become "capable of deceiving the public" or "vulgarised ".

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International Trademark
by both the Paris Convention and the Madrid Union system. The holder of the filing rights of a trademark in his or her country of origin (e.g. Italy), can apply to file an international trademark with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) for the countries of interest (see list of Countries). The registration of an international trademark lasts 10 years, starting from its date of registration and is renewable. If, in the first 5 years, the protection in the Country of origin expires, the Patents Office in that Country can request the cancellation of the registration of the international trademark and the annulment of the trademark in the designated countries. An international Trademark too can be filed in one or more classes (see Nice Classification).

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Historical trademark of national interest
The historical trademark of national interest is a recognition established by art. 31 of the D.L. 30 April 2019, n. 34 (converted into law, with amendments, by art. 1 of Law no. 58 of 28 June 2019), in which, as specified on the Mise website, it is envisaged that "the owners or exclusive licensees of registered trademarks for at least fifty years or for which it is possible to demonstrate continuous use for at least fifty years, used for the marketing of products or services made in a national production company of excellence historically linked to the national territory, can obtain the registration of the trademark in the Register".

The registration of the historical trademark of national interest has no deadline but it can be canceled from the special registry of the historical trademarks of national interest with an instance by the applicant or by the licensee.

An historical trademark of national interest too can be filed in one or more classes (see Nice Classification).

By registering in the aforementioned register, the applicant acquires the right to use, for commercial and promotional purposes, the logo registered as a historical trademark of national interest. The logo of the historical trademark of national interest can accompany the logo registered in the register without altering its representation.

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Model or Design
The model (ex ornamental) and design protect the appearance of the whole product or part of it as resulting from the characteristics of the lines, outlines, colours, form, surface structure or materials of the product itself or its ornamentation, on the condition that they are new and have an individual character. We can thus define an innovation as purely aesthetic (e.g.: a CD rack that acts as a furnishing item).

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Utility Model
A utility model is a technological innovation which has the particular characteristic of making items such as machines or parts of machines comfortable and effective in use (e.g.: an ergonomic computer keyboard).

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Invention Patents
A patent is "a new idea". It thus consists of an original solution to a technical problem and the patentability requirements are: the newness, the originality, the lawfulness and the industrial applicability of the patented product. An innovator gains a competitive advantage that is lost when competitors adopt the invention. It is thus important for the innovator to maintain exclusive rights on a technological innovation. The protection of the patent lasts for 20 years from the date of the filing of the application and in Italy is issued without prior examination. The filing and subsequent registration of invention patents gives the company an added value which can, for example, be granted either for more or less exclusive use or transferred. It is protectable both in Italy and abroad.

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European Patent
The information given above on the Invention Patent is also true for the European Patent. A European Patent is a set of national Patents filed with the European Patent Office (EPO) in a single procedure. The filing of the European Patent thus leads to a nationalisation of the application in the countries of interest and compliance with regulations in the individual countries. For Patents of a certain importance, the filing and registration of a European Patent or the PCT patent procedure is definitely advisable. The European Patent, unlike the Invention Patent filed in Italy, is issued only after a prior examination by the European Office.

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The Unitary Patent
The Unitary Patent, or European patent with unitary effect, is a patent protection procedure that follows the procedure of the European patent. In force since 1 June 2023, with a previous sunrise period, it provides for only one validation, to be carried out at the European Patent Office (EPO), in order to obtain protection in many countries of the European Union. Not all the countries of the European Union have adhered to the Unitary Patent agreement. At present, the Unitary Patent agreement has been ratified by 17 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden. Currently the entry of: Spain, Croatia and Poland is not foreseen. The remaining European Union countries not above mentioned have yet to ratify the Unitary Patent agreement or have preferred not to take the Unitary Patent path (Spain, Croatia and Poland). Furthermore, alongside the Unitary Patent, the Unified Patent Court (TUB) was born. It is a single court with various offices, competent for disputes related both to European patents with ordinary validation procedure in the individual countries of interest, adhering to the European Patent, and to the new type of Unitary Patent. Its decisions are binding in all countries that have acceded to the Unitary Patent agreement. The Unitary Package, in force since January 2023, provides for the possibility of undertaking transitional procedures useful for patents in the granting phase, to embark on the path of the Unitary Patent in the sunrise period.
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With a PCT patent (member states), the applicant can register the patent in one or more of the countries that have signed the Treaty. The registration of an International Patent can include non-European as well as European countries, provided they conform to the PCT. Our company will file an International Patent on the customer's behalf, and, should the country of interest not be a signatory of the PCT agreement, will file singly in that particular country.

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Biotechnologies are the new genetic modifications made to a given biological material. Neither animal species nor the biological procedures used to produce them are patentable, and nor is the production of a whole human body. The patentability of an isolated element of the human body is permitted.

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Appellations of Origin
Appellations of origin are internationally protected through the Lisbon Agreement adopted in 1958 and revised at Stockholm in 1967. The Lisbon Agreement, entered into force in 1966, is managed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), based in Geneva. Each of the countries endorsed the Paris Convention may conform to the Lisbon Agreement, prepared in accordance with art. 19 of the same Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property. The Lisbon Agreement is necessary to standardize the protection of appellations of origin in the Member countries and to prevent cases of unfair competition. In order to be granted an application for the protection of the appellations of origin is necessary that the designation itself has been recognized and protected in its country of origin. Through this initial recognition the country of origin recognizes the quality of the product. This requirement of prior approval in the country of origin may be through a legislative or judicial process, or any other form. A first advantage secured by the Lisbon Agreement is the presentation of a single protection's procedure for a large number of countries and a duration equivalent to that afforded in the country of origin.

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Software Protection
Software, i.e. the intangible part of a PC, can be protected in the same way as an original work, which the author has the right to protect in the same way as, for example, a literary work. Obviously, the originality of the software is a requirement, and in the event of it being protected, the author has the right to produce, translate or effect any form of adaptation or distribution system that he or she deems appropriate.

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Domain Names
A domain can be registered with the name of a private individual (physical person), a company (legal entity) or an imaginary name provided the same domain has not already been registered with the same name and the same extension (e.g. .it, .com, .eu, etc.). If a domain with the same name and the same extension has already been registered it will not be possible to do the registration before the previous registration expires and is deleted from the register, subject to it not being renewed (see Priority Searches).

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Copyright Protection
The copyright law makes it possible to protect literary works, music, films, designs, photographs and software against plagiarism. What is protected is not the actual idea to provide a certain service or produce a certain work, but the way in which it is expressed. An author acquires the exclusive right to the reproduction, execution, dissemination, distribution, processing and transformation of his or her own work, which he or she can then grant to others. The copyright protection can be renewed if, for example, the work has been disseminated.

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Semiconductor Topographies
A semiconductor is a product capable of performing an electronic function. It is made up of different layers, at least one of which is a semiconductor. The protection regards only the topography of the chip and not the software incorporated in it, nor the manufacture process and nor any further information. The protection lasts 10 years and involves the prior examination of the patented item. Italy has never signed the International Treaty on the Protection of Integrated Circuits.

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New Plant Varieties
A new plant variety is "any plant grouping within a single botanical taxon of the lowest known rank that can be defined by the expression of the characteristics of a given genotype or combination of genotypes". Patentability requirements are: the newness, the stability, the homogeneity and the distinctness. For New Plant Varieties too, the duration is 20 years, apart from trees and vines, for which the patent right lasts 30 years.

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Anteriority Searches and Trademark's Watching
These searches consist in checking, on behalf of the person wanting to register, for example, a trademark, for the existence of identical or similar words, figures or symbols. It could also be a search regarding an invention; i.e. checking for the existence of a technological innovation identical to the one that you want to register. A Priority Search can also be done in domain names (generally called domains or names of domains) on the basis of the name and extension (such as .it, .com, .eu, etc.) that you want to register. Our Trademark Watching Service, subsequent to the filing of the trademark, checks for the appearance on the market of trademarks the same as or similar to yours in the same classes, deposited by another subject.

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Applications for Customs Intervention: Italian or Community
The trading of counterfeit goods violates the rights of holders of trademarks, patents, designs or models or copyrights, causing serious damage both to consumers and to the companies holding the patent rights. According to EC Regulation n° 1383/2003, holders of a trademark, patent, design or model or copyright can file an application for customs intervention to either the Italian or European Community customs in order to alert them so that they can intervene more promptly and thoroughly to check for incoming or outgoing goods deemed to be counterfeit. Also, with an intervention application the response time for the holder of the right is greater – 10 days – than in the case of a reported infringement without an intervention application – 3 days. When drawing up the application with the customer, we make a detailed analysis of the factors necessary for effective protection – either in Italy or in the European Community – and of the goods to be protected – origin, destination, quantity, … – highlighting the salient points in such a way as to obtain effective protection. The intervention application will be examined by the customs authorities, who will inform the holder of the right whether the application has been accepted or rejected. The application lasts for one year and is renewable throughout the entire period of validity of the protected patent right.

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Intangible Assets Management
- Deadline management: We manage and control deadlines of Your Trademarks, Patents, Designs, Domain Names and Copyrights, by alerting You, before their expiration, to keep the right previously obtained.

- Litigation: Cioncoloni Law Firm is inside our firm. It can represent You in litigation concerning infringement, unfair competition, seizure as Intellectual Property court litigation, in Italy and abroad. Our lawyers are admitted to practice both in Italian and Community Courts.

- Drafting contracts: Our attorneys compile confidentiality agreements and contracts regarding Industrial and Intellectual Property rights such as licenses and franchises.

- Rating: Intangible assets are increasingly subject to assessment, for several reasons, including sale or license, finance, accounting and litigation proceedings. For this reason any Intellectual Property right, should be evaluated in different ways as our expert attorneys are used to deal with, in order to ensure efficient management of these proceedings. This assessment may be considered in or out of Court and for the conclusion of an agreement.

- Representation both in Italian and foreign Patent and Trademark Offices: our staff can request simple or authentic copies to the Offices, submit claims, obtain official certificates, monitor the status of pending practices. According to laws, regulations and international conventions we can provide You assistance in all operations regarding IP rights. We are also able to perform any type of title search through the Chamber of Commerce in Italy and abroad.

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Design - Prototype Action - Project Management
Our bureau is able to meet your requirements regarding the development of a technical design, the creation of a model on which to base the production of subsequent items and the project management for that or other models of interest.

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Domain Name Dispute Resolution
Domain names have become a visibility tool comparable to brands. Protection from any type of hoarding (specifically Cybersquatting) is one of the necessary operations aimed to protect the company that owns a trademark. Each trademark owner who considers his right to be infringed by a Cybersquatting phenomenon - generally a domain name registered by a third party in bad faith - can activate the reassignment procedure. Quick times and certain costs are the basis of the reassignment procedure.

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Brand Identity and Brand Image
The Brand is the combination of elements such as name, company name, payoff (slogan) and iconistic element. It represents communication, the perception of the company vision and its perception in the market. It is a distinctive and exclusive trait of a company. The brand embodies the corporate image and reputation and declines the elements that differentiate it from competitors, determining the relationship with customers and other stakeholders.

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The conference entitled "The impact of the development of new technologies in business management: challenges, opportunities and risks in the light of regulatory changes" was held on May 30, 2022, at the Teatro degli Eroi in Rome. The event, organized by WILL, Worldwide Independent Lawyers League, in collaboration with FederItaly and A.N.C.Imp. Italia has been accredited by the Rome Bar Association regarding the permanent training credits of its members. The topics covered ranged from today’s employment relationship to how science can help the company now and over the next few years, with some digressions that compared the Italian companies to some corresponding foreign realities. Among the various speakers, Attorney Andrea Valente Cioncoloni, partner of the Cioncoloni Intellectual Property Firm, held a speech on patents and artificial intelligence. Here you can find the complete poster.
“Industry 4.0 and Justice” is the title of the conference to be held in Ancona on May 12, 2022 at the Loggia dei Mercanti. The event is organized by WILL Worldwide Independent Lawyers League, and the Ancona Bar Association, in collaboration with FederItaly and A.N.C.Imp. Italia. The topic dealt with is very important to understand what developments artificial intelligence and industry 4.0 will bring to various sectors, including that of justice. Among the various speakers, lawyer Andrea Valente Cioncoloni, partner of the Cioncoloni Intellectual Property Firm, with an intervention on patents and artificial intelligence. Here you can find the complete poster. It will also be possible to participate online and 3 training credits will be recognized for lawyers, also connected online through the Gestiolex platform. For on-site registrations subject to availability, write to To register and participate in streaming, it is necessary to use the Gestiolex platform at this link. If you do not need the training credits, you can follow the direct at this link.
"Ideas Powered for business" is a fund for SMEs created by the European Union Office Intellectual Property (EUIPO) to support the intellectual property rights of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based in the European Union. Funds are limited and available respecting the time priority in submitting the application. The funds, distributed in the form of vouchers, give access to partial refund of taxes for a range of activities in the field of intellectual property (IP): A) 75% refund on fees for applications for trademarks and / or designs or models, for additional classes, for examination, registration, publication and postponement of publication at national, regional and EU level; B) 50% refund on basic taxes for trademark and / or design applications and for designations in countries outside the EU; C) 50% refund of fees for the phase prior to the granting of patents (filing, research and examination), for the subvention and for the national publication. National trademarks and designs can be registered at any of the EU’s national intellectual property offices, at the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (the BOIP), at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (the EUIPO) and, outside the EU, can be registered with the World Intellectual Property Organization (OMPI). Patent applications can be filed at any of the national IP offices of the EU or at the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (the BOIP). There is no limit to the number of IP rights (trademarks, designs, models or patents) that an SME can register. However, the total amount for any grant is limited to a maximum of 2,250 Euros (750 Euros for patent-related activities and 1,500 Euros for other activities). It is possible to submit the application from 10 January 2022 to 16 December 2022, subject to the availability of funds. Would you like to get the voucher? We are the firm to contact,
A proposal for amending the patent law has been put forward by the European Commission. The proposal would allow generic medicines to be placed in commerce, in countries where the specific patent is not protected. The proposal would have two effects: the first to avoid relocation of companies outside Europe and the second to increase investment in research. Obviously, countries where the specific drug is protected by a patent could not be the subject of marketing the generic.
Made in China brands are those preferred by the young Chinese community between 16 and 25 years old.
This is what emerged from the report of the Jingdong Research Institute of the Communication University of China in Beijing and published last May.
Young Chinese born in the 90s, so called jiulinghou, bought 6% more Made in China products compared to 2016 with a percentage increase in online brand consumption of 4% on an annual basis.
The day of the Chinese brands of the "Internet 2018 + development of Chinese brands" report showed that the increase in the purchase of the "Made in China" brands also concerns over-55s.
It is probable that this increase is due to the national policy carried out in the last few years which envisaged that China would become the "Factory of the World".
We will see in the upcoming years if the slowdown of the Chinese economy towards the so called "new normal phase" (xin changtai) continues to force China to invest in sectors with a high rate of innovation and in culture.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has deposited its instrument of ratification to the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement on the International Registration of Industrial Designs. The treaty will enter into force for the United States (US) on May 13, 2015. Currently, the US as well as other countries have not signed the Hague Agreement. Through this procedure, either foreign users who want to protect their own design/model in the US or US citizens who want to protect them outside the US will be provided by the opportunity for cost savings and improved efficiency. Moreover, they can file a single design application. It is believed that the Hague System will expand significantly in the coming years. More information can be found at the following link.
On March 2nd, 2015 a notice of grant of non-exclusive license to use the "Expo Milano 2015" trademark was published on the Italian Official Gazette (No. 26/2015). It is a non-exclusive license for the production and sale of merchandising products including clothing, technological systems, beauty & wellness, and leather goods. Those who are interested in it must be in possession of the following quality certifications: ISO 9001, SA 8000/AA 1000, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, EMAS and ISO 26000. Licensee will be required to pay 10% net of VAT in favor of the licensor. You can submit applications until September 30th 2015. You can find our article at the following link.
EuroTransBio (ETB) is an international funding initiative supported by European program owners. It has established itself as the preferred funding instrument for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), collaborating in the area of modern biotechnology (health, agro/food, industrial biotech, environment, marine/aquatic solutions). Now is open the 10th ETB Joint Call for transnational projects will close 30th of January, 2015. The overall budget allocated for this call is of at least 16 million €. You can find additionally information on the 10th ETB Joint Call at the following link.
The Convention of Friendship and Good Neighborhood between Italy and San Marino, regarding trademarks and patents, is renewed. It is no longer possible to protect an international trademark or a European patent in one of the two countries and see it recognized in the other one without additional payments. From today you will have to pay out in each country where you want to get protection for an international trademark or a European patent. In contrast, the protection does not change if you own an Italian trademark or patent that is also recognized in San Marino and vice versa. Additional references can be found at the following link: article (in Italian language) San Marino’s Republic website.
Parliament approves, after over thirty years of talks, a new european patent regime. In three separate voting sessions, members approved unitary patent, language regime and unified patent Court. The new patent will be cheaper and more effective than EPO system. The new EU unitary patent will be valid in all 25 EU member states, excluded Italy and Spain, could decide to join in at any time. The international agreement creating a unified patent Court will enter into force on 1st January 2014 or after thirteen contracting states ratify it, provided that UK, France and Germany are among them.
Manhattan Court of Appeal overturned the decision, reffering to the outsoles colour "China red" introduced in the market by Louboutin in 1992. The Court saying about the order of the District Court insofar as it purported to deny trademarks protection to Louboutin’s use of contrasting red lacquered outsoles. The trademarks are entitled to trademarks protection only if the outsoles are in a different colour in respect of the upper part.
A U.S. jury has found Samsung guilty of copying the iPhone and determined the company must pay Apple over $1 Billion. The jury also found that all Apple’s patents were valid and Samsung willfully infringed on them in many cases. Notably, they determined the iPhone’s trade dress (visual appearance) is protectable but only on the iPhone 3G. Ruling on Samsung’s case against Apple, the jury found that Apple did not violate any of Samsung’s patents. That victory can only be described as a huge win for the company.
Luxury brands such as Chanel, Dior and Burberry have started sales in India to encourage population to buy these brands. Luxury products’ sales are a good entry point for the first-time buyers this kind of product. AT Kearney study recently observed that sales have played a good role in getting more Indians to get their first experience of luxury brands. Chanel in India, however, uses the sales to reward its loyal customers rather than attract first time buyers. Dinaz Madhukar, president at a luxury shopping mall in south Delhi district says the number of shoppers increase 30% during any sale and even brands that do not go on sale benefit from the increased footfall. Some brands like Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Cartier and Tom Ford not offer discounts, in India and abroad.
Was succesfully concluded, in Beijing, the diplomatic conference for a new treaty for audiovisual performance. Over twelve years of negotiations to obtain an important milestone to protect international rights of audiovisual performers. The conference was attended by 156 member states, 6 intergovernmental organizations and 45 non-governmental organization and 122 countries signed the Final Act and 48 countries have signed the treaty itself. The treaty will enter into force once it has been ratified by 30 eligible parties, including countries or intergovernmental organizations. Signature of the treaty constitutes a preliminary endorsement by demonstrating the state’s intent to examine the treaty domestically and consider ratification, though signing does not create a binding legal obligation to ratify. The Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances (BTAP) will strengthen the economic rights of film actors and other performers and could provide extra income from their work. The new treaty will strengthen the precarious position of performers in the audiovisual industry by providing a clearer international legal framework for their protection. For the first time it will provide performers with protection in the digital environment. You can find the text of the treaty by clicking here.
It was introduced in the Senate, on June 20 2012, a document relating to counterfeiting. In the document appear the counterfeit industry has increased exponentially and the seizures by the Guardia di Finanza are 100 million pieces annually. The daily military operations are about forty daily with a number of items seized, every day, approximately 300 thousand for counterfeiting or danger. Each day military withdrawn from the market worth about 2 million € in counterfeit goods.
While Syria withdraws by the Madrid Agreement, remaining a member of the Madrid Protocol, Colombia became a member of the international trademark system through accession to the Madrid Protocol. The President Bashar al-Assad decree n. 179, relating to the withdrawal of Syria, was published in the Official Gazette on May 27, 2012. As regards the entry of Colombia in the international trademark system, the Treaty will enter in force on August 29, 2012. Colombia will be the second country in South America to join the international trademark system. The accession to the Madrid Protocol will be a great tool for promoting economic development of the Country.
Universal Pictures UK and IndustryTrust for IP, in an attempt to boost anti-piracy sentiment among cinema goers, have launched a special trailer of Battleship movie. The trailer is part of the Industry Trust for IP Awareness campaign entitled “Moments Worth Paying For”. The spot turns the camera on the watchers and captures their emotions while watching the movie.
Tetra-Pak, the world’s largest packaging company, is working on a chip that can be embedded into packages to provide information. These smart cartons are an example of growing innovation in the 400 billion $ packaging industry. Tetra-Pak spends 4% of sales on research and development and that result, as in this case, patents and innovation.
We are pleased to inform You about the opening of our new branch in Ancona. The office is located in an ancient building in the city centre, just a few steps from the Court and from the Chamber of Commerce, few minutes away from the railway station, easily accessible by all public transportation. For all our new contacts please click here.
In now available, here on our web site, the 10th Nice Classification. This edition was entered in force on January 1, 2012. Click here to see the 10th Nice Classification
In refer to Italian Intellectual Property law, we inform You about the possibility, from next July 1st 2011 as officially announced from the Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute, to submit oppositions against italian and international trademarks, having validity in Italy, identical or similar to Yours. To submit the opposition, cuncurring with the law, we will have three months as from the publbication on the Italian Trademark Bulletin or on W.I.P.O. Gazette.For any other question do not hesitate to contact us.
A new law to prevent fake medicines from entering the legal supply chain was approved by European Parliament. It is necessary to regulate internet sales of medicines because this is a key route by which fake ones enter the EU market. Internet pharmacy sites will be required to display a common logo, which should be recognisable throughout the EU, so as to help the public to ascertain that they are linked to an authorised pharmacy. The text approved is a results from an agreement reached with Council, which must also give its formal approval. Once it is signed into law, Member States have 18 months to make any necessary changes to their national legislation.
The European Parliament gave its consent for a common CE patent system to be created using the enhanced cooperation procedure. All the Member States except Italy and Spain have since indicated they will sign up to the procedure. These two countries can still join in at any time if they wish. The Council of Competitiveness Ministers is expected to formally adopt the decision authorising enhanced cooperation on 9-10 March. Member States have been trying to agree on an EU-wide Patent system for years but the necessary unanimity proved impossible to achieve. Language issues were a particular bone of contention. Currently, national patents can coexist alongside a European Patent (issued by the European Patent Office, a non-EU body) but the system is complex and expensive: a European Patent can be 10 times more expensive than a comparable US Patent.
Was published on Official Journal n. 192 dated August 18, 2010 the Legislative Decree n. 131/2010 in refer to  "Modifications on legislative decree February 10, 2005, n. 30 on Intellectual Property Code". This decree has harmonize italian ordinance to european and international ordinance, filling gap, and disciplining biotechnology, university, research center and patent.


An increasing number of International Trademark, PCT, European Union Trademark and European Patent customers are receiving unsolicited mail from unofficial registration services asking for money...

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Studio Consulenza Brevetti has been recognized as
Historical Trademark of National Interest

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